A) seres humanos e animais vivenciam um processo igual para e na criação de resistência a bactérias a partir de um antibiótico. B) seres humanos que parti...
Disponível em: https://www.who.int/mediacentre/events/2015/world-antibiotic-awareness-week/infographics/en/. Acesso em: 02 maio 2019.
A) in the sentence Antibiotics resistance happens when bacteria change and became resistant, the term when can be replaced by the word whom.
B) the sentence Patients attends hospital or clinic is in passive voice, and the active voice is presented as “patients are attended in hospital or clinic.”
C) the sentence the antibiotics used to treat the infection they cause, in the interrogative form is “Did the antibiotics used to treat the infection did they cause”.
D) the term which, in the sentence Antibiotics are given to patients, which can result in drug resistant bacteria, refers to, an interrogative pronoun function.
E) the terms unclear and environment are words formed by, in the respective sequence, prefixation and sufixation structures in their vocabulary composition.