A) will never replace teachers. B) make classrooms redundant...

A) will never replace teachers. B) make classrooms redundant. C) will replace teachers in schools. D) are not intelligent machines. E) will not be interesting f...

UPENET/IAUPE - Inglês - 2021 - Vestibular - 1º Fase - 1º Dia


The School of the Future

Disponível em: https://www.typekids.com/blog/the-school-of-the-future/ Texto adaptado. Acesso em: 30 ago. 2020.

In the 3rd paragraph, the pronoun it appears twice: The possibilities and potential it offers …..… / …..… and it could extend into the world of education too.
The pronoun it is referring respectively to

A) Technology / The trend

B) potencial / years to come

C) possibilities / grow

D) remote working / likely to grow

E) simple / flexible



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