According to the third paragraph, PM2.5 is currently a topi...

According to the third paragraph, PM2.5 is currently a topic of greatest concern in Seoul because...

VUNESP - Inglês - 2018 - Vestibular 2019 - Prova 1

According to the third paragraph, PM2.5 is currently a topic of greatest concern in Seoul because

A) it has recently reached levels far beyond those the WHO admits as safe for humans to live with.

B) its particles have just been discovered to be even tinier than the average PM10 particles.

C) it has, in the latest years, surpassed PM10 in numbers and as the origin of incurable diseases.

D) it is composed of black carbon, nitrates and ammonia, a combination inevitably resulting in deadly side-effects.

E) it has been announced by the WHO as the main cause for respiratory diseases and cancer in the country.



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