Brazilian scholar Sueli Carneiro (2011), arguing about the...

Brazilian scholar Sueli Carneiro (2011), arguing about the importance of black feminism in Brazil and Latin America, states that black women never recognized t...

INEP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre

Brazilian scholar Sueli Carneiro (2011), arguing about the importance of black feminism in Brazil and Latin America, states that black women never recognized themselves in the myth of the female fragility, because they were never treated as fragile. This is shown in Text 1 through Maria’s life, since she is

A) worried about the price of the bus ticket and considers walking home.

B) confused by a multitude of feelings such as fear, vanity and longingness.

C) underemployed and must take care of her three children by herself.

D) happy and must take an important message for one of her kids from his father.



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