GRANT, David , McLARTY, Robert. Business basics. Oxford Uni...

GRANT, David , McLARTY, Robert. Business basics. Oxford University Press, 1995Verifique se as sentenças são verdadeiras ou falsas de acordo com o texto:( )I....

FAINOR - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - 2019.1

GRANT, David , McLARTY, Robert. Business basics. Oxford University Press, 1995

Verifique se as sentenças são verdadeiras ou falsas de acordo com o texto:

( )I. Swatch and Omega are sister companies.

( )II. The company sells 35,000 Swatch watches a year.

( )III. The Swatch factory never closes.

( )IV. The price of a Swatch watch is the same as in 1983. V. The head office of the company is in Granges.

Assinale a alternativa que contém a seqüência correta das respostas:

A) F - F - V - V - V

B) F - V - V - V - F

C) V - F - V - V - V

D) V - F - V - V - F

E) V - V - F - V - F



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