Questão de Vestibular nº 3441 - para treinar...

Questão de Vestibular nº 3441 - para resolução grátis. Pratique com milhares de exercícios....

PUC - RJ - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Inglês - 1º Dia - Manhã - Grupo 2

Available at:<>. Retrieved on:

July 2, 2019. Adapted.

According to paragraph 6 (lines 68-85), it is possible to affirm that

A) humanoid robots are not able to understand voice commands.

B) humanoid robots can teach the elderly how to use touchscreens.

C) humanoid robots are already capable, to some extent, of assisting the elderly in their everyday lives.

D) future humanoid robots will assist the elderly while adapting to the culture of the individual they are caring for.

E) all elderly people find it easy to interact with the humanoid robot via touchscreen.



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