Questão de Vestibular nº 7617 - para treinar...

Questão de Vestibular nº 7617 - para resolução grátis. Pratique com milhares de exercícios....

PUC - RJ - Inglês - 2018 - Vestibular - Inglês - 1º Dia - Tarde - Grupos 1, 3, 4 e 5

Available at: . Retrieved on: 3 May 2018. Adapted. * Automated teller machines

According to Professor Niklas Arvidsson, in a cashless society there is a risk that

A) a few financial institutions may concentrate too much power.

B) electronic transactions will negatively impact the payment system

C) financial frauds will become more frequent and difficult to prevent.

D) technology companies will be heavily controlled by commercial banks.

E) electronic transactions are likely to cost a lot more than traditional ones.



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