Questão de Vestibular nº 7625 - para treinar...

Questão de Vestibular nº 7625 - para resolução grátis. Pratique com milhares de exercícios....

PUC - RJ - Inglês - 2018 - Vestibular - Inglês - 1º Dia - Manhã - Grupo 2

Available at: < ction-

-addiction-why-humans-need-stories>. Retrieved on: 3 May 2018.


The boldfaced expression introduces an idea of RESULT in

A) “Although we have no firm evidence of storytelling before the advent of writing,” (lines 1-2)

B) “As humans evolved to live in bigger societies, for instance, we needed to learn how to cooperate” (lines 31-32)

C) “Our capacity for storytelling – and the tales we tell – may have therefore also evolved as a way of communicating the right social norms.” (lines 36-38)

D)while the protagonists appeared to be less individualistic and ambitious” (lines 60-62)

E)unless we shared some common emotional ground, some deep reservoir of assumptions, with the writer” (line 103-105)



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