Student on Homesickness When the homesickness hits, I usua...

Student on Homesickness When the homesickness hits, I usually get lazy and tired and just feel like going home and sleeping. I miss the safety of my family an...

INEP - Inglês - 2018 - Exame - Linguagens e Ciências Humanas - Ensino Médio

Student on Homesickness

When the homesickness hits, I usually get lazy and tired and just feel like going home and sleeping. I miss the safety of my family and the comfort of home, but most of all I miss my mother and just being able to talk to her whenever I want.

The homesickness usually hits when I feel out of place, or when I hear a song, or see something that reminds me of them. Usually, when I Skype them, it makes me feel worse because I can see them and talk to them, but I can't be with them.

Lara Wyatt, 20, Boston.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 set. 2013.

O texto descreve uma situação muito comum entre as pessoas que passam a viver fora de sua cidade. Considerando as palavras homesickness, family e comfort, o depoimento da estudante Lara Wyatt ressalta

A) os problemas de saúde enfrentados fora do ambiente familiar.

B) os desafios no uso de ferramentas de comunicação a distância.

C) as dificuldades emocionais de lidar com a saudade da família.

D) a perda de referências, pela falta de contato com sua cultura de origem.



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