The last sentence of the article, “That’s a lot of milk...

The last sentence of the article, “That’s a lot of milk,” most likely refers to which aspect of certain polygamous societies?...

FGV - Inglês - 2018 - Vestibular - Administração Pública

The last sentence of the article, “That’s a lot of milk,” most likely refers to which aspect of certain polygamous societies?

A) Making sure your daughters marry early and your sons marry late can be very lucrative.

B) Whatever money or goods a woman earns from her brideprice always goes to her father.

C) The younger a girl is, the more valuable she is on the marriage market.

D) Women older than 20 have a hard time finding husbands and thus earn very little money from their brideprice.

E) Cattle and single women are equally valuable as commodities in impoverished farming communities.



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