The sentences “Out of a regimen of ferocious self-educati...

The sentences “Out of a regimen of ferocious self-education, he established himself, initially as a writer of slender romances for and about the women of the...

UECE-CEV - Inglês - 2018 - Vestibular - Língua Inglesa

The sentences “Out of a regimen of ferocious self-education, he established himself, initially as a writer of slender romances for and about the women of the ruling elite” (lines 42-46) and “In the Anglophone world, a similar kind of confusion surrounds Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839-1908), the son and sly chronicler of Rio de Janeiro” (lines 10-14) are classified, respectively, as

A) compound and simple.

B) simple and compound.

C) simple and simple.

D) compound and compound.



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