The world has a handful of great commercial hubs. Silicon V...

The world has a handful of great commercial hubs. Silicon Valley dominates technology. The home of luxury is Paris and the capital of outsourcing is Bangalore,...

IMT - SP - Inglês - 2020 - 1ª Aplicação - 20/11/2020

The world has a handful of great commercial hubs. Silicon Valley dominates technology. The home of luxury is Paris and the capital of outsourcing is Bangalore, in India. One of the mightiest clusters of all is London, which hosts the globe’s largest international financial center. Within a square mile on the Thames, a multinational firm can sell $5bn of shares in 20 minutes, or a European startup can raise seed finance from Asian pensioners. You can insure container ships or a pop star’s vocal cords. Companies can hedge the risk that a factory anywhere on the planet will face a volatile currency or hurricanes and a rising sea level a decade from now. Adapted from: According to the text, what are examples of important global deals that may be closed in London?

A) International share deals, estate deals in Europe, celebrities’ career plans and insurance.

B) Seed finance of startups, common citizens’ savings accounts, Silicon Valley investments.

C) International share deals, fund-raising to open new businesses, any kind of insurance policy.

D) International outsourcing, luxurious estate deals, any kind of pop star’s performances.

E) Stock Exchange deals, purchasing of container ships, joint ventures of outsourcing companies.



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