A) Daniel e Gamez concordam sobre o grau de dificuldade na leitura do livro.
B) Customer e AAO concordam sobre a qualidade das ideias no livro, embora o tenham achado curto.
C) Albert e Max, embora tenham feito resenhas com diferentes níveis de detalhamento, recomendam o livro enfaticamente.
D) No seu conjunto, as sete resenhas exibidas não refletem a média de estrelas obtidas pelo livro quando se consideram as 52 resenhas que recebeu.
(Gemma Danks. Science jokes for kids - with explanations and fun facts. Disponível em https://www.palebluemarbles.com/science-jokesfor-kids/. Acessado em 5/8/2020.)
Gemma Danks. Science jokes for kids - with explanations and fun facts. Disponível em https://www.palebluemarbles.com/science-jokesfor-kids/. Acessado em 5/8/2020.)
A) No texto 1, a palavra “space” corresponde a espaço sideral, visitado por astronautas, e a palavra “key” (chave) corresponde a um conjunto de teclas com espaços entre elas.
B) No texto 2, a expressão “traveling light” tanto pode significar “viajando sem bagagem” como se referir a uma partícula luminosa que viaja no espaço, um fóton.
C) No texto 1, as palavras “bar” e “board” são sinônimas.
D) No texto 2, a palavra “photon” lembra a palavra “phantom”, que pode significar “fantasma”.
A) Education, global competence, human sciences, cognition, literacy, information technology.
B) Political expertise, culture, communication, gender, information technology, engineering.
C) Science, human science, culture, language, biliteracy, technology, diversity and health.
D) Science, social sciences and philosophy, arts, cultural awareness, political expertise.
E) Education, science, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information.
A) Although men continue to make up the majority of students, the proportion of female students decreased from 1992 to 2002.
B) In spite of the growing numbers of female students, there are still three times more men than women at engineering courses in 2012.
C) We can see a clear upward trend in the number of female engineering students, while the number of male students seems to have levelled off.
D) Although the number of female students has steadily grown, the number of male students has dropped abruptly from 2002 to 2012.
E) There has been skyrocketing growth in the number of engineering students in Australia during this 20-year study.
A) It is necessary that they face sacrifices, work as a friendly team, putting differences aside for a bigger goal.
B) It is important that they understand their own fragile lives, make sacrifices and behavior to help each other move on.
C) It is necessary that they remember the connections from the other sequels and keep faithful to them.
D) It is important that all of them make sacrifices for their friendship to last after the end of the epic journey.
E) It is essential that they believe in their differences in order to build up a team and face the impossible enemy.
A) Os idosos acreditam em muitas coisas; as pessoas na meia-idade não; os jovens, sabem de quase tudo.
B) Os idosos acreditam em tudo; as pessoas na meia-idade suspeitam de tudo; os jovens, sabem tudo.
C) Os idosos acreditam em todos; as pessoas na meia-idade suspeitam de todos; os jovens, conhecem todos.
D) Os idosos têm crenças totalizantes; as pessoas na meia-idade creem menos; os jovens, não creem.
E) Os idosos acreditam em tudo; as pessoas na meia-idade, desacreditam de quase tudo; os jovens, negam tudo.
De acordo com a tirinha, qual o significado de WANDER?
A) run fast, develop speed.
B) dramatize, move with stress.
C) travel, go far distances fast.
D) reflect, move inwards dramatically.
E) roam, move with no specific destination.
What are the main ideas of the text?
A) The giants in entertainment have been in open war for more power but haven’t been looking at Netflix as a competitor.
B) All of the big entertainment companies have made offers to purchase Netflix, who is leaning towards Disney.
C) None of the entertainment giants has approached Reed Hastings yet in order to understand is market views.
D) The biggest entertainment companies are fighting to reach more audiences and targeting Netflix, which does not mean becoming part of neither of them.
E) None of the entertainment giants is planning any great moves for 2020.
A) gets under way
B) reaches its peak
C) comes to an end
D) is shorter than usual
E) unexpectedly finishes
A) “with major implications not only for creatures such as walruses and polar bears…” (lines 7-8)
B) “so it’s unclear whether it is directly linked to climate change.” (lines 41-42)
C) “Still the breakup could be just one more sign of the growing fragility of the oldest ice.” (lines 42-44)
D) “That’s easily visible – it can be glimpsed directly by satellite – and the areas is, indeed, in clear decline.” (lines 50-52)
E) “But it may not add much stability or permanence to the Arctic sea ice system if it just melts out again the next summer.” (lines 57-59)