Questões de Inglês para Vestibular

cód. #4619

UFVJM-MG - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Seleção Seriada - Sasi - Primeira Etapa

Leia este texto para responder a questão.

ASSINALE a afirmativa INCORRETA de acordo com o texto.

A) os pais possuem uma carga de trabalho externo muito excessiva e, por isso, não têm condições de analisar e controlar o comportamento de seus filhos nas mídias sociais.

B) os pais desconhecem os problemas que podem acontecer nas conexões on-line e não percebem que tipos de publicação envolvendo seus filhos estão ocorrendo.

C) os pais não querem interferir na vida social de seus filhos, permitindo que eles estejam tão conectados quanto os outros adolescentes com os quais se relacionam.

D) os pais não querem afastar seus adolescentes e, assim, permitem sua participação nas mídias sociais sem controle.


cód. #4364

UNIMONTES - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - PAES - Segunda Etapa

INSTRUÇÃO: Leia a tirinha 1 a seguir para responder às questões:

Tirinha 1 

Fonte: QUINO, J. L. Toda Mafalda. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 2005. 

Tirinha 2 

Fonte: QUINO, J. L. Toda Mafalda. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 2005. 
A tirinha 1 tem o objetivo principal de:

A) Revelar a impossibilidade da paz no mundo.

B) Mostrar uma personagem preocupada com a paz mundial.

C) Protestar contra a falta de engajamento de políticos com causas mundiais.

D) Criticar a perda de tempo das autoridades com os pedidos de paz.


cód. #4620

UFVJM-MG - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Seleção Seriada - Sasi - Primeira Etapa

Leia este texto para responder a questão.

O texto cita diversos exemplos dos sérios efeitos negativos das mídias sociais em adolescentes. ASSINALE a alternativa apresenta o efeito que NÃO consta no texto.

A) insônia.

B) emagrecimento.

C) déficit de atenção.

D) mudanças de humor.


cód. #4621

UFVJM-MG - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Seleção Seriada - Sasi - Primeira Etapa

Leia este texto para responder a questão.

ASSINALE a alternativa que contém o tema do texto:

A) as inadequadas políticas de privacidade das mídias sociais.

B) o tempo que os pais passam fora de casa dedicando-se ao trabalho.

C) o tempo que os adolescentes passam on-line conectados em mídias sociais.

D) as razões das consequências negativas das mídias sociais em adolescentes.


cód. #5650

UNIOESTE - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Inglês

According to the text:

A) cognitive ability is a characteristic that derives from biology, behavioral aspects, education, culture, and it nutrition and cannot be influenced by TV viewing habits.

B) Sesame Street was proposed by altruistic motivations. In other words, the producers of the program did not have the intention of promoting children’s cognitive development.

C) Sesame Street research pointed out that most of the TV programs dedicated to children should focus on entertainment.

D) social science research warns that viewers must not watch sensationalist news programs.

E) the results presented in the text point out the positive and the negative aspects concerning the social effects of different entertainment options. The positive qualities are: relaxing and changing cultural attitudes. The second aspects are: misinformation of citizens and their lack of involvement with civic obligations.


cód. #5651

UNIOESTE - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Inglês

In the sentence “A detailed analysis of the show’s content in its first and second years reveals that 80 percent of the program was dedicated to those goals, with the rest meant to entertain (…)”, those goals refer to:

A) reading and emotional abilities for children of preschool age only.

B) intelligence and television consumption for children of preschool age.

C) children’s reading skills only.

D) different abilities involving: literacy, numeracy, and emotional abilities for children of preschool age.

E) the quality of artistic productions.


cód. #5652

UNIOESTE - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Inglês

Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the text.

A) New social researches have showed that TV programs can persuade people in different ways, influencing people’s thinking and political choices, as well as people’s eating habits.

B) Interest in culture is not new. Plato had already explored the quality of artistic productions and their relation with young people’s character.

C) Critics have proved that the vast majority of TV shows for children are educational and that entertainment programs are positive.

D) Educational television cannot have a positive effect because it does not have any relation with cognitive ability.

E) The entertainment options nowadays are inoffensive and may even change cultural perspectives positively


cód. #4885

VUNESP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular 2020 - Prova II

According to the chart,

A) phone checking becomes more frequent as the population ages.

B) twenty two per cent of younger adults check their phone every few minutes.

C) fifty one per cent of all adults check their phone a few times an hour.

D) one-third of the people aged between 50 and 64 don’t own smartphones.

E) people over 65 years old are more likely to become phone addicted.


cód. #5653

UNIOESTE - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular - Inglês

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

Adapted from: Last access: August, 29, 2019.

Qual alternativa abaixo contém um exemplo do uso do superlativo?

A) “Public transport is increasingly becoming one of the most crucial forms of transport (...)”.

B) “Now, researchers at the Polytechnic University of Turin have ranked the world’s largest networks (...)”.

C) “(...) to come up with engaging and meaningful visualisations (...)”.

D) “(...) the acceleration of urban growth has led to an unprecedented level of urban interactions (...)”.

E) “Their average speed was found to be 6.2 and 5.8 km/h (...)”.


cód. #4886

VUNESP - Inglês - 2019 - Vestibular 2020 - Prova II

               An increasing body of evidence suggests that the time we spend on our smartphones is interfering with our sleep, self-esteem, relationships, memory, attention spans, creativity, productivity and problem-solving and decision-making skills. But there is another reason for us to rethink our relationships with our devices. By chronically raising levels of cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone, our phones may be threatening our health and shortening our lives.

          If they happened only occasionally, phone-induced cortisol spikes might not matter. But the average American spends four hours a day staring at their smartphone and keeps it within arm’s reach nearly all the time, according to a tracking app called Moment.

         “Your cortisol levels are elevated when your phone is in sight or nearby, or when you hear it or even think you hear it,” says David Greenfield, professor of clinical psychiatry at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and founder of the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction. “It’s a stress response, and it feels unpleasant, and the body’s natural response is to want to check the phone to make the stress go away.”

          But while doing so might soothe you for a second, it probably will make things worse in the long run. Any time you check your phone, you’re likely to find something else stressful waiting for you, leading to another spike in cortisol and another craving to check your phone to make your anxiety go away. This cycle, when continuously reinforced, leads to chronically elevated cortisol levels. And chronically elevated cortisol levels have been tied to an increased risk of serious health problems, including depression, obesity, metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes, fertility issues, high blood pressure, heart attack, dementia and stroke.

(Catherine Price., 24.04.2019. Adaptado.)

No trecho do último parágrafo “while doing so might soothe you for a second”, o termo sublinhado equivale, em português, a

A) acalmar.

B) afastar.

C) impedir.

D) dominar.

E) inibir.



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