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America’s social-media addiction is getting worse
(Sources: Pew Research Centre; e Marketer)
A survey in January and February 2019 from the Pew Research Centre, a think tank, found that 69% of American adults use Facebook; of these users, more than half visit the site “several times a day”. YouTube is even more popular, with 73% of adults saying they watch videos on the platform. For those aged 18 to 24, the figure is 90%. Instagram, a photo-sharing app, is used by 37% of adults. When Pew first conducted the survey in 2012, only a slim majority of Americans used Facebook. Fewer than one in ten had an Instagram account.
Americans are also spending more time than ever on social-media sites like Facebook. There is evidence that limiting such services might yield health benefits. A paper published last year by Melissa Hunt, Rachel Marx, Courtney Lipson and Jordyn Young, all of the University of Pennsylvania, found that limiting social-media usage to 10 minutes a day led to reductions in loneliness, depression, anxiety and fear. Another paper from 2014 identified a link between heavy social-media usage and depression, largely due to a “social comparison” phenomenon, whereby users compare themselves to others and come away with lower evaluations of themselves.
(www.economist.com, 08.08.2019. Adaptado.)
A) Snapchat.
B) Instagram.
C) Twitter.
D) YouTube.
E) Facebook.
O post anterior aponta
A) as vantagens da globalização para o consumidor e os problemas causados pela imigração.
B) o impacto negativo dos processos migratórios no modo como as culturas vêm sendo globalizadas.
C) os efeitos da globalização no nosso cotidiano e o preconceito contra imigrantes.
D) o consumo excessivo de produtos estrangeiros no mundo capitalista contemporâneo.
A) passive voice and active voice.
B) active voice and active voice.
C) active voice and passive voice.
D) passive voice and passive voice.
Examine o quadrinho de Peter Steiner para responder à questão.
A) making an apology
B) giving an order.
C) doing a report.
D) providing a justification.
E) using a quotation.
Largest prime number discovered: with more than 23m digits
Known simply as M77232917, the figure is arrived at by calculating two to the power of 77,232,917 and subtracting one, leaving a gargantuan string of 23,249,425 digits. The result is nearly one million digits longer than the previous record holder discovered in January 2016. The number belongs to a rare group of so-called Mersenne prime numbers, named after the 17th century French monk Marin Mersenne. Like any prime number, a Mersenne prime is divisible only by itself and one, but is derived by multiplying twos together over and over before taking away one. The previous record-holding number was the 49th Mersenne prime ever found, making the new one the 50th.
(Adaptado de Ian Sample, “Largest prime number discovered: with more than 23m digits”. The Guardian, 04/ 01/2018.)
Considerando as informações contidas no excerto anterior, qual dos números a seguir é um primo de Mersenne?
A) 23.
B) 29.
C) 31.
D) 37.
A) defining relative clauses.
B) non-defining relative clauses.
C) adverb clauses.
D) noun clauses.
Examine o quadrinho de Peter Steiner para responder à questão.
A) both dogs are trying to imitate the way human beings behave.
B) internet users may communicate without revealing their identity.
C) the dark dog is surprised with what it saw on the internet about humans.
D) people communicate with their pets no matter the media.
E) the spotted dog assures it has never used the internet before.
Touching thermal-paper receipts could extend BPA retention in the body
When people handle receipts printed on thermal paper containing the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA), the toxic chemical could linger in the body for a week or more. Jonathan W. Martin of Stockholm University and Jiaying Liu of the University of Alberta asked six male volunteers to handle paper containing isotopically labeled BPA for five minutes. The volunteers then put on nitrile gloves, wore them for two hours, removed them, and washed their hands with soap. Afterward, the researchers measured the labeled BPA and its metabolites in the volunteers’ urine regularly for two days and then once again a week later. The study only traced the isotopically labeled (deuterated) BPA and its metabolites, so any additional BPA exposure from other sources was not monitored.
(Deirdre Lockwood, Touching thermal-paper receipts could extend BPA retention in the body. Chemical & Engineering News, 04/09/2017.)
O texto discorre sobre uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi
A) determinar como o manuseio de papel térmico pode contaminar uma pessoa com bisfenol A, considerando que a concentração foi monitorada utilizando-se um BPA em que átomos de 1H foram substituídos por 2H.
B) analisar de que forma o uso de luvas nitrílicas lavadas com sabão e contendo BPA deuterado pode contaminar receitas impressas em papel térmico que contém um disruptor endócrino.
C) monitorar, durante uma semana ou mais, a cinética de eliminação de um disruptor endócrino, bisfenol A (BPA), do corpo humano que foi contaminado pelo uso de luvas nitrílicas
D) verificar como um papel térmico deteriorado por átomos de 2H poderia contaminar as mãos de uma pessoa, mesmo que ela estivesse usando luvas nitrílicas durante duas horas e depois as removesse.
A) conditional clause.
B) relative clause.
C) adverb clause.
D) noun clause.
A) subject noun clause.
B) object noun clause.
C) adverb clause.
D) adjective clause.