Examine o cartum de Liana Finck, publicado em sua conta no Instagram em 13.08.2019.
No cartum, a casa pode ser vista como uma metáfora da
A) intimidação.
B) segurança.
C) violência.
D) privacidade.
E) hospitalidade.
Observe o infográfico a seguir para responder à questão.
A) primeira dica sugere que devemos utilizar bolsas de plástico reciclados durante as compras.
B) terceira dica sugere que devemos beber mais água, café e demais líquidos ao longo do dia.
C) quarta dica sugere que devemos comprar o lanche em vasilhames ou recipientes reutilizáveis.
D) sétima dica sugere que devemos realizar as refeições de forma mais calma e fora de casa.
E) oitava dica sugere que devemos utilizar potes de vidro para armazenar as sobras de comida.
A) na sentença England flew teachers out to China, o termo “flew” encontra-se no tempo passado irregular e sua forma no indicativo é “to fly”.
B) a sentença it publishes the results of the test a year after na forma negativa seria “it doesn´t publishes the results of the test a year after”.
C) na sentença characteristics that can be associated with, o termo “can” pode ser substituído por “should” sem alteração de sentido.
D) na sentença PISA will undoubtedly present various opportunities and challenges, o termo “undoutedly” é um advérbio de tempo e formado por prefixações.
E) na sentença PISA is looking at expanding how and what it tests, os termos “looking” e “expanding” são verbos e ambos exercem a função de gerúndio.
A) The PISA team is also developing a way of testing students’ digital learning, em português, é compreendida como “A equipe do Pisa desenvolverá provas no computador para os estudantes”.
B) PISA will tackle creative thinking, trying to find ways to assess pode ser compreendida, em português, como “Pisa abordará o pensamento criativo, tentando encontrar formas de assessoramento”.
C) students are tested to help governments shape their education policies, em língua portuguesa, pode ser compreendida como “estudantes são testados para ajudar a formular uma educação policial”.
D) consequences of a test are just as important as the test’s content, em português, pode ser compreendida como “as consequências dos testes são tão importantes quanto o conteúdo destes”.
E) what sometimes looks and feels like a race to rank high, na língua portuguesa, pode ser compreendida como “o que às vezes parece ser uma corrida entre os países desenvolvidos”.
A) a thermometer for policy makers which tend to copy policies from the higher performance assess countries.
B) an international assessment education tool to comprehend how world education systems are performing in math, science or reading skills.
C) presented by the contents of reading, mathematics, scientific literacy and english, those are the assessed contents by 15-year-olds students.
D) offered by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which determines the contents and education policies all over the world.
E) the most important tool to evaluate the best country rankings and its results tend to change education systems from those countries which didn’t perform well on the assessments.
Read the following advertisement in order to answer QUESTION.
The 1961 Kenwood Chef advertisement suggests:
A) the advertisement is old-fashioned and sexist.
B) the advertisement brings connotations of poverty.
C) the advertisement emphasizes the servant-like role of men.
D) the advertisement strengthens happiness through the couple’s weeping faces.
A) the fact or condition of being extinguished.
B) the quantity or amount of something produced.
C) the act of disappearing.
D) the condition of being vanished.
A) the design of upstream tailing dams can be hazardous if not supervised attentively.
B) other upstream dams in Brazil, compared to the one in Brumadinho, show quite the same risk-level of failing.
C) the former president of the American Society of Civil Engineers disapproves homes built downhill from a dam.
D) mining regulators have agreed to receive financial grants from neighboring countries.
A) mining industries have prevented dams from collapsing in Brazil.
B) there is a tiny number of Brazilians who live downhill from mining dams.
C) Minas Gerais state has been the focal point of Brazil’s excavation business.
D) more than twenty upstream dams can bring joyfulness to riverside communities.
According to the cartoon, all the following alternatives can be considered correct, EXCEPT:
A) the word “fan” has double meaning.
B) men are a device that has its own light and wind source.
C) the wind turbines are related to renewable energy.
D) the man is an enthusiastic admirer of renewable energy.