A) os direitos que as pessoas possuem por serem seres humanos.
B) os privilégios contidos na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos.
C) as injustiças que as pessoas sofrem por não conhecerem os direitos humanos.
D) os direitos e deveres estabelecidos pela Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos.
A) was the first Olympic Games host city to have an integrated urban surveillance center.
B) is a smart city from South America placed side by side with smart cities from highly developed northern countries.
C) illustrates the argument that certain uses of technology to collect data about citizens are also a kind of policing.
D) has been seen as the perfect example of a smart city with very low efficiency levels.
E) contradicts the illusion that smart cities necessarily offer their population a safer life.
A) a Chinese tech company is the one responsible for most of the surveillance services in western countries.
B) considerably greater fear about exaggerated surveillance is felt in the west than in countries like China nowadays.
C) the social use of technology is far more worrying and potentially dangerous than the technology itself.
D) surveillance measures taken to protect peoples and countries are in fact harming them.
E) people in older enforced regimens were less subject to monitoring than are the people in the open societies of today.
A) an act to preserve one’s own privacy being interpreted as an attempt to conceal something.
B) the fact anyone walking on the street these days is a potential suspect of “disorderly behavior”.
C) the violence with which the police tend to treat simple common people.
D) the arrest of a man just because he tried to hide from a camera by covering his face.
E) documentaries which improperly identify ordinary people from the streets.
A) the main gains and losses brought about by the newest surveillance technologies.
B) changes in people´s everyday behavior due to the spread of face tracking cameras.
C) the dispute over the legitimacy of facial recognition technology use.
D) the unprecedented scale in which actions of citizens are being monitored.
E) governments’ outrageous policies to control their populations’ every step.
Analise os pronomes presentes nas seguintes sentenças:
I. Is this book your?
II. James gave me those books. I really liked it.
III. Patty gave her brother a cassette and he gave she a video.
IV. It’s your decision, not ours.
V. I like this house but her windows are broken.
Escolha a alternativa que contenha a resposta correta:
A) I, II e V estão corretas.
B) II e III estão corretas.
C) Só a IV está correta.
D) III, IV e V estão corretas.
E) Só a V está correta.
A) When – Who – How often – How many – How far
B) When – What – How many – Who – Where
C) Where – Who – How many – How many – What
D) When – Who – Which – Who – What
E) What – What – How – How much – How old
A) Todas as alternativas estão corretas.
B) Somente as alternativas II e V estão corretas.
C) Somente as alternativas I, III e IV estão corretas.
D) Somente a alternativa IV está correta.
E) Todas as alternativas estão incorretas.
A) verbo – verbo – adjetivo – substantivo – adjetivo
B) substantivo – verbo – substantivo – substantivo – adjetivo
C) adjetivo – substantivo – verbo – substantivo – substantivo
D) verbo – substantivo – verbo – substantivo – verbo
E) substantivo – verbo – adjetivo – substantivo – substantivo
GRANT, David , McLARTY, Robert. Business basics. Oxford University Press, 1995
Verifique se as sentenças são verdadeiras ou falsas de acordo com o texto:
( )I. Swatch and Omega are sister companies.
( )II. The company sells 35,000 Swatch watches a year.
( )III. The Swatch factory never closes.
( )IV. The price of a Swatch watch is the same as in 1983. V. The head office of the company is in Granges.
Assinale a alternativa que contém a seqüência correta das respostas:
A) F - F - V - V - V
B) F - V - V - V - F
C) V - F - V - V - V
D) V - F - V - V - F
E) V - V - F - V - F