Considere o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Facebook’s new data policy: Answers to your privacy questions
Facebook, the world’s largest social network, revamped the policies it uses when collecting data on the more than 2 billion people who use it every month. As part of the new policy, released April 19, the company is also spelling out more clearly how it collects and uses that information about you.
Where does Facebook get information about me?
It finds this information from a mixture of photos, videos and thoughts you post on your timeline. It also gleans data from your interactions with Facebook friends, as well as the pages and posts you “like.” Plus, the company collects seven different kinds of information it takes from a phone, computer or tablet you’re using. That includes data about the version of software you’re running, how low your battery is and how much storage you have left on your device. On top of that, Facebook can access information about devices that are connected to the same network you’re on.
This kind of info is often used for something industry experts call fingerprinting, which is how websites identify you based on all the data they can collect from your device.
(Adaptado de Publicado em: 21 abr. 2018.
Acesso em: 21 ago. 2018, às 16h31.)
A) especialistas da indústria avaliam os usuários de redes sociais para conhecer seus hábitos.
B) um usuário deixa sua “marca” nos sites que visita, tornando desnecessário o uso de senhas.
C) um tipo de informação é oferecida aos usuários para torná-lo um “expert” em tecnologia.
D) as autoridades reconhecem hackers ou usuários que não respeitam as regras de um website.
E) os websites identificam um usuário a partir dos dados coletados nos seus aparelhos.
A) Essay piece on a journal
B) Pick up lines of a British journal
C) Headlines of a British tabloid
D) Self-help article in a journal
E) Chapter of an article from a scientific journal
A) acredita ser um bom líder.
B) sente falta de seus funcionários.
C) se importa com seus funcionários.
D) tem dificuldade de ser comandado.
E) ignora a habilidade de liderança de seus funcionários.
A) The text mentions the frustrations people go through when it’s time to split the check. It also emphasizes that people in their 20s are always stuck with the tab.
B) The text gives a solution to the stress that is checksplitting in restaurants. Just talk to the server beforehand that you would like individual checks.
C) The text talks about the stresses and frustrations that only people in their 20s go through when it’s time to split the check. It says that individual checks are the solution.
D) The text is about check-splitting and the problems people face when this time comes. Everyone always has a story about getting stuck with the tab.
E) The text discusses the problems and frustrations of check-splitting. It is more frequent with groups and the best way to resolve it is when it’s time to talk to the server.
Considere o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Facebook’s new data policy: Answers to your privacy questions
Facebook, the world’s largest social network, revamped the policies it uses when collecting data on the more than 2 billion people who use it every month. As part of the new policy, released April 19, the company is also spelling out more clearly how it collects and uses that information about you.
Where does Facebook get information about me?
It finds this information from a mixture of photos, videos and thoughts you post on your timeline. It also gleans data from your interactions with Facebook friends, as well as the pages and posts you “like.” Plus, the company collects seven different kinds of information it takes from a phone, computer or tablet you’re using. That includes data about the version of software you’re running, how low your battery is and how much storage you have left on your device. On top of that, Facebook can access information about devices that are connected to the same network you’re on.
This kind of info is often used for something industry experts call fingerprinting, which is how websites identify you based on all the data they can collect from your device.
(Adaptado de Publicado em: 21 abr. 2018.
Acesso em: 21 ago. 2018, às 16h31.)
A) armazenados somente quando o usuário dá um “like” em algum post ou foto.
B) fornecidos diretamente pelos usuários por meio de posts, fotos e “likes”.
C) enviados para uma central de armazenamento controlada pelo governo.
D) comercializados com empresas que pretendem melhorar suas tecnologias.
E) comparados aos dados de outros websites para personalizar a experiência do usuário.
Match the columns to have the right meaning from the Text.
I. Survey
II. Likely
III. Behavior
IV. Intake
V. Data
( ) conduct
( ) feasible
( ) scrutinity
( ) information in visible form
( ) consumption
Mark the alternative which shows de correct order, fron top to bottom.
A) V — II — III — IV— I
B) IV — I — II — III — V
C) III — II — I — V — IV
D) II —V — I — III — IV
E) III —V — I — II — IV
‘Is this person a citizen?’ The answer could mean less representation for populous states and big cities.
A citizenship question on the 2020 census has already drawn challenges from states that fear an undercount of immigrants and a loss of federal funds. But demographers say there could be even deeper consequences. The question could generate the data necessary to redefine how political power is apportioned in America.
Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em: 31 jul. 2018.
A) It has to divide power in a different way.
B) It will change how power is distributed.
C) It might redefine how power is allocated.
D) It must assign power differently.
E) It will have to apportion power proportionally.
Considere o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Facebook’s new data policy: Answers to your privacy questions
Facebook, the world’s largest social network, revamped the policies it uses when collecting data on the more than 2 billion people who use it every month. As part of the new policy, released April 19, the company is also spelling out more clearly how it collects and uses that information about you.
Where does Facebook get information about me?
It finds this information from a mixture of photos, videos and thoughts you post on your timeline. It also gleans data from your interactions with Facebook friends, as well as the pages and posts you “like.” Plus, the company collects seven different kinds of information it takes from a phone, computer or tablet you’re using. That includes data about the version of software you’re running, how low your battery is and how much storage you have left on your device. On top of that, Facebook can access information about devices that are connected to the same network you’re on.
This kind of info is often used for something industry experts call fingerprinting, which is how websites identify you based on all the data they can collect from your device.
(Adaptado de Publicado em: 21 abr. 2018.
Acesso em: 21 ago. 2018, às 16h31.)
A) É a maior rede social do mundo.
B) Utiliza as mesmas políticas de coleta de dados desde seu início.
C) Tem 2 bilhões de acessos diariamente.
D) Coleta somente sete tipos de informações diferentes dos usuários.
E) Não coleta e utiliza dados dos usuários.
A) Basically, to live longer we have to lead a capricious life in spite of all the efforts not to do so.
B) 10.364 people from UK were included in a program to check their lifestyle attitudes where 62% of them were adults.
C) The adoption of a healthy lifestyle can bring you to an excellent rate of mental health despite drinking alcohol and smoking.
D) Quality of life, positive mental health and inappropriate behaviours make you live longer thus you can add 14 years to your life.
E) 20% of the people were 7times more probable to have a good/excellent general health and 4 times more probable to have better mental health that the people with no protective lifestyle behaviours.
Considere o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Facebook’s new data policy: Answers to your privacy questions
Facebook, the world’s largest social network, revamped the policies it uses when collecting data on the more than 2 billion people who use it every month. As part of the new policy, released April 19, the company is also spelling out more clearly how it collects and uses that information about you.
Where does Facebook get information about me?
It finds this information from a mixture of photos, videos and thoughts you post on your timeline. It also gleans data from your interactions with Facebook friends, as well as the pages and posts you “like.” Plus, the company collects seven different kinds of information it takes from a phone, computer or tablet you’re using. That includes data about the version of software you’re running, how low your battery is and how much storage you have left on your device. On top of that, Facebook can access information about devices that are connected to the same network you’re on.
This kind of info is often used for something industry experts call fingerprinting, which is how websites identify you based on all the data they can collect from your device.
(Adaptado de Publicado em: 21 abr. 2018.
Acesso em: 21 ago. 2018, às 16h31.)
A) ler a “Política de uso de dados”.
B) deletar posts antigos.
C) rejeitar desconhecidos.
D) dar opiniões controversas.
E) acessar páginas pela “navegação privativa”.